Configure your access rights and the system will control all access, 24 hours a day. Adding a simple treatment for one of your customers can automatically give them access to a specific area.
In most cases your installations are still good, there is only a need to install a few components and a few readers, and off you go… Complete control is yours.
Our RFID locks work wirelessly, on long-lasting batteries (3 years on average), xPlan detects the level of the batteries and alerts you when one of them needs to be changed. We can also block the exit if a person has closed a locker in order to obtain usage of that specific locker.
The swallower knows how to sort it out, he knows which bracelet should be swallowed and which should be returned to the user, it’s up to you to decide.
Depending on the configuration, xPlan can:
Simply plug in one of our readers (with or without display) and your devices will become an automatic upsell goldmine. As guests just scan their RFID bracelet and the device is activated and the usage billed!
Your employees will be able to free up time to upsell and improve the quality of the stay. The screens are configurable to your brand image.
Faites vous du bien, arrêtez d’hésiter, prendre xPlan c’est facile et vous donne une liberté inégalée. Unifions nos forces.