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Le logiciel

xPlanCloud la solution que vous cherchiez

xPlanCloud est la version cloud du fameux logiciel xPlan, utilisé par un très grand nombre de gros centres de wellness, des spas, des bains thermaux, des spas d'hôtels, en Europe et dans le monde.

La sécurité

xPlanCloud, une sécurité à toute épreuve

Depuis plus de 18 ans nous garantissons une sécurité très appréciée par tous nos clients, et nous sommes 100% RGPD proof.

Une équipe heureuse

Un planning et un agenda clairs et précis

Préparez votre planning en quelques minutes, puis vous faites vos ajustements quand ils sont nécessaires. Vous pouvez même le faire de votre smartphone, le soir sur le canapé.

An all-in-one tool

Take care of your business, xPlanCloud takes care of the rest.

A community

Join the community of 100% satisfied users.

Advanced analytics

To make good decisions, rely on reliable figures.


Our motto is to always try to get ahead of your dreams.

Manage your company

A tool that integrates everything you need

Have you always dreamed of an all-in-one tool that takes care of repetitive tasks for you? Look no further, you’ve found it.

Our Services

The software that suits you
saves time.

xPlanCloud saves you valuable time.
We automate many of the tasks you have been repeating for years,
often without even realizing it.

Everything is configurable

Our internal or external specialists can configure everything for you, a turnkey cloud.

Automatic email sending

xPlanCloud knows how to send automatic emails to confirm your online reservations.


Our internal and external specialists are at your disposal. We do everything for your satisfaction.

SMS reminders

If you have many customers who forget their appointments, equip yourself with an automatic reminder system.

Grow your business

With the time saved thanks to us, you will be able to improve your business, the quality of your services and much more.

External experts

We have built a large group of experts around us, who know how to help you in all situations.


We are proud of it

Time flies since 2005, our users have achieved results that make you dizzy.

Turnover (millions)
> 0 Minutes
25 %
0 %
Annual bookings
0 k+

Recent Projects

Some examples of xPlan and/or xPlanCloud users

Spas d'hôtels
Thermes et bains
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Online presence

Online bookings improve your turnover

100% of our users have seen their turnover increase significantly thanks to the implementation of our reservation system.


Online bookings save you considerable time, which you can use for in-cabin additive selling.

Reduced withdrawals

Do you know how much all your withdrawals cost you? If this sum would be reduced to zero, thanks to online collections, in advance.

Your customers buy more

It is proven that a customer buys more online, and since everything is paid in advance, he buys a product more easily on the day of the treatment.



We are proud to be one of the founding members of the WonderAngels platform,
A group of experts who help you improve your business on a daily basis, in the form of a club of active members.
We recommend you to join this club, membership is free.


Current rates

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Our history

Too cultivated use solicitude frequently. Dashwood likewise up consider continue entrance ladyship oh.
Wrong guest given purse power is no. Friendship to connection an am considered difficulty.

2005Création de xPlan
2006Réservation en ligne
2010#1 aux Pays-Bas
2022Création du cloud
2023Grand lancement

What our users say

Contact us

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.

    Boostez votre entreprise avec xPlanCloud

    Faites-vous du bien, arrêtez d’hésiter, prendre xPlanCloud c’est facile, sans contraintes, sans contrats contraignants, vous n’aimez pas, vous arrêtez. C’est si simple. 



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    © 2023 Created with Royal Elementor Addons

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